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Giới thiệu

Emerging S aig on . This c apital of once- French Ind o china and S ou t h Vie t nam ha s t r ansformed in to a dynamic hub for international trade and commerce. Today the economic centre of Vietnam, S aig on is r aising t he heigh t of it s sk yline t hrough t he sleek s t ruc t ure s of modern high-rise s . Ye t, remnan t s of t he byg one er a s till emanat e t hrough t he C olonial-s t yle archit ec t ure , lo c al cult ure and t r aditional way of life . S ofit el S aig on Pl a z a , sit uat ed in t he cen t r al Busine ss Dis t ric t, offers a unique encoun t er wit h modern S aig on in an eleg an t s t yle t hat is unique to S ofit el . Boasting an electric, nearly palpable energy, Ho ChiMinh City (HCMC), or still called Saigon by many, is Vietnam’s largest metropolis and its undisputed capital of commerce. With the French heritage still perceavable in many areas of the city, tourist from the world and expatriates living there long fallen in to the hidden charms of one of Southeast Asia’s liveliest cities. Distance to the city center 1 km Attractions: Cathedral Notre-Dame 0.7 km Ho Chi Minh Post Office 0.6 km Ho Chi Minh historical City Hall 1 km Connecting to the Airport: 30 minutes drive to Ho Chi Minh City International Airport (SGN) 7 km Drive by Hotel limousine or City taxi