Sản phẩm và dịch vụ

Sao Mai Hotel Sao Mai Hotel
Nhà cung cấp
2598 Lượt xem     0 Bình luận
Hướng Dẫn Du Lịch

Hướng Dẫn Du Lịch

Giá : Call
Mã số : 8095

Mô tả Sản phẩm


You are a couple, family or friends. You want to have a travel to Ho Chi Minh city and southern of Vietnam.
We arrange everything for your trip from airport to all famous places of Ho Chi Minh city as Vietnam's southern.
Our tour desk, helping you to discover the southern's cultural, mountains,fieldrices and Mekong river network.

Introduction of our service

All internal flights are provided by Vietnam Airlines or Jetsta airlines. All tickets for domestic flights can be issued by
our tour desk and provided to you in advance of the flight.
have futher information, please feel free contact to us via:             +84.(08) 377 54 995      
Email: info@saomaihotelsaigon.com

Thông tin nhà cung cấp này

Sao Mai Hotel Sao Mai Hotel
Địa chỉ : 20 Phan Chu Trinh – Điện Biên – TP Thanh Hóa,
Điện thoại : +84 3 73 712888/999
Fax : +84 3 73 712698/699
Email : info@saomaihotel.com.vn
Website : http://www.saomaihotel.com.vn/

Ý kiến

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